Что это такое nokia 7705 7750
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Что это такое nokia 7705 7750

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Инструкция по обновлению ПО и первичной настройке Nokia 7750 (SR-7 | SR-12)

Данная статья продолжает тему первичной настройки оборудования Nokia (ранее Alcatel-Lucent). Она будет полезна тем, кто не имеет большого опыта эксплуатации данного оборудования, но в ближайшей перспективе планирует связать свои рабочие часы с Nokia 7750 (SR-7 | SR-12)

Я постараюсь помочь разобраться в процедуре первичной интеграции 7750 SR на сети, но сразу замечу, что никакая инструкция не сможет заменить официальную документацию от производителя, тем более, что в новых версиях ПО описанные процедуры могут быть изменены. Я планирую ограничиться лишь тем минимумом информации, которая требуется для запуска 7750 и предоставлению к нему удаленного доступа. Тем не менее с готовностью дополню данную статью (либо напишу новую, если вопросы выйдут за ее рамки) информацией, к которой будет проявлен интерес.

Если вас интересует тема первичной настройки Nokia 7210 SAS-M, то ознакомиться с ней можно в соответствующей статье.

1. Обновление ПО на 7750 SR

Первым делом рекомендую обновить ПО (TiMOS) до актуальной версии. Хочу сразу отметить, что в случае использования системы управления 5620SAM, необходимо учитывать, какую максимальную версию TiMOS она поддерживает.

1.1 Подготовка к работе

Что необходимо для проведения работ:

1) Ноутбук с COM-портом или переходник usb-com;
2) Serial кабель. Я использую rollover-кабель Cisco с дополнительным переходником, так как консоль 7750 представляет из себя DB9 разъем (в отличии от 7210, в котором используется RJ45)
3) Терминальный клиент (Putty, SecureCRT или аналог);
4) TFTP сервер (tftp32 или аналог);
5) Наличие актуального TiMOS (в качестве примера использовал TiMOS 13.0R10).

1.2 Заливка софта

Для загрузки софта необходимо подключиться к порту Console и настроить параметры сессии следующим образом:

Baud Rate 115,200
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None

Прямым кабелем подключаем Management порт 7750 к сетевой карте компьютера. Устанавливаем IP на локальный компьютер (в примере Запускаем TFTP сервер и в качестве рабочей папки выбираем каталог с TiMOS.

Если на SR уже установлен TiMOS, то пропускаем пункт 1.3 и переходим сразу к 1.4.

1.3 На оборудовании нет TiMOS (режим monitor)

Нажимаем любую клавишу для начала изменения параметров загрузки. При запросе пароля вводим: “password”. Далее следуем диалогу:

tftp:// #Задаем адрес операционной системы

tftp:// # Задаем адрес конфигурационного файла

Включаем eth-mgmt порт, прописав команду enable и назначаем IP-адрес из той же подсети, что настраивали на компьютере.
При запросе на сохранение конфигурации отвечаем — yes.

После данного шага, операционная система должна загрузиться.

1.4. Оборудование загрузилось (TiMOS)

bof # Заходим в меню настройки Boot Options File

no eth-mgmt-disabled # Включаем eth-mgmt

eth-mgmt-address # Назначаем eth-mgmt адрес нашему 7750

save # Сохраняем Boot Options File

file dir #Проверяем свободное место на карте памяти. В случае нехватки памяти файлы можно удалить командой file delete «имя файла»

file md cf1:\TiMOS-13.0.R10 # Создаем папку для нового TiMOS на карте памяти и загружаем в нее системные файлы

file copy tftp:// cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\both.tim

file copy tftp:// cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\cpm.tim

file copy tftp:// cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\iom.tim

file copy tftp:// cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\isa-aa.tim

file copy tftp:// cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\isa-tms.tim

file copy tftp:// cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\support.tim

file copy tftp:// cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\boot.ldr

file copy tftp:// cf3:\boot.ldr # Загружаем (перезаписав) boot loader

bof primary-image cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\ # Указываем основной образ TiMOS для загрузки

bof primary-config cf3:\config.cfg # Указываем файл конфигурации

bof no eth-mgmt-address # Удаляем адрес eth-mgmt

bof eth-mgmt-disabled # Отключаем eth-mgmt

Файл успешно скопирован, когда оборудование отображает в консоли следующую информацию:

Copying file tftp:// . OK
1 file copied.

После сохранения конфигурации (admin save) необходимо перезагрузить 7750 командой admin reboot upgrade и удостовериться, что оборудование прошло успешную загрузку.

1.5 Резервный процессорный модуль (standby CPM)

Если в 7750 установлен резервный CPM, то необходимо произвести перенос системных файлов и конфигурации на его карту памяти (в системе cf3-b) командой admin redundancy synchronize boot-env

Внимание! С 11-го релиза появился новый файл support.tim. В случае, если обновление производится с версии меньше 11-ой, то данный файл необходимо скопировать на резервный CPM вручную командой copy cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\support.tim cf3-b:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\support.tim

Так же необходимо выполнить команду /configure redundancy synchronize config . Если не применить данную конфигурацию, то при выполнении команды admin save конфигурация не будет сохранена на резервный CPM.

Наличие резервного модуля позволяет выполнить процедуру In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU). Данная опция не доступна в начальных минорных версиях TiMOS, перед обновлением необходимо ознакомиться с software release notes соответствующей версии ПО.

В данной процедуре присутствуют следующие ключевые команды (считаем, что на момент начала обновления активным является CPM в слоту А):

  1. Копируем софт на cf3 основного CPM в папку cf3:\TiMOS-13.0.R10\
  2. Производим перезапись boot.ldr в корне (cf3:)
  3. Изменяем путь к основному и резервному образу TiMOS в BOF
  4. admin redundancy synchronize boot-env # Cинхронизируем карточки основного и резервного CPM (не забыв про ручное копирование support.tim на старых релизах)
  5. admin reboot standby now # Производим перезагрузку резервного модуля.
  6. show card # Проверяем, что CPM-B перезагрузился и имеет статус up ISSU/standby
  7. admin redundancy force-switchove # Делаем обновленный резервный модуль активным. После этого второй (бывший активный) модуль начнет процесс обновления.
  8. show card # Проверяем, что все карты в состоянии up.

2. Установка и инициализация карт

Линейные карты необходимо устанавливать в различные части шасси (для SR-7, при наличии двух линейных карт, их следует размещать в 1 и 5 слоты, а не в 4 и 5). Связано это с ограничениями по использованию Timing References. Ref1 может быть использован на карте в 1-2/1-5 слоте, а Ref2 на карте в 3-5/6-10 слоте для SR-7/SR-12 соответственно.

2.1 Определение карт

Установленные в 7750 карты и модули необходимо определять в конфигурации, до тех пор их состояние будет unequipped

Корректным состоянием в выдаче show card и show mda является Admin up, Operational up. Для получения более подробной информации о карте (P/N, S/N, температура и пр.) необходимо добавить в указанные команды detail

2.2 Chassis-mode

Команда configure system chassis-mode <> позволяет настроить набор функций, доступных в шасси. Зависит данный параметр от типа используемых карт:

a (по умолчанию): соответствует набору функций, связанных с iom-20g.
b: соответствует набору функций, связанных с iom-20g-b.
c: соответствует набору функций, связанных с iom2-20g.
d: соответствует набору функций, связанных с iom3-xp

Например, если у вас установлены iom3-xp карты, то необходимо ввести команду configure system chassis-mode d

3. Пример начальной настройки 7750 SR

/configure system name «Имя»

Подготавливаем порт, создаем и ассоциируем с ним интерфейс:

/configure port 1/1/1
description «описание порта»
no shutdown

/configure router
interface «system”
address /32 # Cоздаем системный виртуальный интерфейс
no shutdown

interface «имя интерфейса»
address /30 # IP адрес интерфейса
port 1/1/1 # Порт на нашем оборудовании, с которого уходит линк
no shutdown

/configure router ospf
area # Номер area в которой будет состоять 7750
interface «system» # Обязательно включаем интерфейс «system» в данную арию
interface «имя интерфейса» # Указываем имена всех интерфейсов, входящих в эту арию
interface-type point-to-point # Указываем тип интерфейса

Если 7750 участвует более чем в одной арии, то необходимо прописать вторую арию и все входящие в нее интерфейсы. Если интерфейс участвует так же в non backbone area как secondary, то настраивается он следующим образом:

area interface «system» secondary exit

Данная конфигурация является тем минимумом, который позволит получить удаленный доступ к 7750 SR в сети с настроенным протоколом OSPF.

4. Полезные заметки

  • Просмотреть конфигурацию можно командой «admin display-config». Если необходимо выполнить команду (любую) из места вашего расположения в консоли, то ставим предварительно «/».
  • Выполнив команду «info» можно увидеть конфигурацию, которая относится к ветке вашего расположения. Если необходимо просмотреть так же значения параметров «по умолчанию», то используем «info detail»
  • Командой “show chassis” и “show card” можно узнать температуру шасии и режим работы FAN. Если вентиляторы работают в режиме full speed, то это свидетельствует о повышенном температурном режиме узла.
  • На лицензионной CF карте от Nokia хранится TiMOS и конфигурация, устанавливается она в cf3 процессорной карты. Хорошим решением будет установка дополнительной карты памяти Sandisk (официально поддерживаемый производитель) в слот cf2 или cf1 и использовать ее в качестве хранилища логов.
  • Командой “show chassis” можно получить информацию о питании и его выходе за пределы допустимых значений.
  • Команды “show log log-id 100” и “show log log-id 99” позволят просмотреть Default Serious Errors Log и Default System Log соответственно.
  • Команда «show port» позволит проверить статус портов
  • Команда «show router route-table» отразит таблицу маршрутизации
  • В файле cf3:/bootlog.txt можно найти лог загрузки 7750. Если оборудование не может загрузить TiMOS (например, уходит в циклическую перезагрузку), то информация из данного файла может помочь при проведении диагностики.
  • IOS (Cisco): «ping size 1500 df-bit», в данном случае 1500 байт это размер датаграммы уже с IP и ICMP заголовками.
  • TiMOS (Nokia): «ping size 1472» — 1472 байт говорят о размере поля data в ICMP. Другими словами, добавляем еще 8 байт ICMP и 20 байт IP и получаем те же 1500 байт, что на Cisco.
  • При обращении в техническую поддержку Nokia вам необходимо будет предоставить два tech-support файла, снятые командой «/admin tech-support cf3:.bin» с минимальной временной разницей 15 минут. К сожалению, в отличии от многих других вендоров, данные фалы зашифрованы и прочесть их сможет только инженер Nokia. В случае возникновения каких-либо проблем или аварий, в первую очередь рекомендую снять первый tech-support файл, а дальше приступать к решению проблемы.
  • IT-инфраструктура
  • Сетевые технологии

In This Chapter

This chapter provides information about configuring chassis slots, cards, and ports.

Topics in this chapter include:

Configuration Overview

This guide uses the term “preprovisioning” in the context of preparing or preconfiguring entities such as chassis slots, the IOM, adapter cards, ports, and interfaces, prior to hardware actually being installed in the chassis. These entities can be installed but not enabled. When the entity is in a no shutdown state (administratively enabled), the entity is considered to be provisioned.

Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR routers provide the capability to configure chassis slots to accept specific adapter card types and set the relevant configurations before the equipment is actually installed. The preprovisioning ability allows you to plan your configurations as well as monitor and manage your router hardware inventory. Ports and interfaces can also be preprovisioned. When the functionality is needed, the card(s) can be inserted into the appropriate chassis slots as required.

The following sections are discussed:

Configuring the IOM and Card Slot

The 7705 SAR card slot ID is always 1 and the card type for the IOM is always iom-sar.

On the 7705 SAR-8 and 7705 SAR-18, the CSM, which can only be installed in slot A or B of the chassis, does not need to be provisioned. However, the IOM, which is virtualized in the 7705 SAR software, must be activated before the adapter cards, ports, and SCADA bridges can be preprovisioned and configured. The IOM is activated by designating it a card slot ID and card type. This enables the chassis slots to accept the adapter cards.

There are two versions of the CSM available for the 7705 SAR-8: CSMv1 and CSMv2. In the CLI, the CSMv1 is shown as csm-1g and the CSMv2 is shown as csmv2-10g. Throughout this document both versions are referred to as CSM except when it is necessary to highlight differences between them. The CSMv1 supports a maximum bandwidth of 1 Gb/s per adapter card slot. The CSMv2 supports 10/2.5/1 Gb/s in the first two adapter card slots and 2.5/1 Gb/s in the remaining four adapter card slots. Support for 2.5 Gb/s and 10 Gb/s adapter cards on the 7705 SAR-8 v2 chassis requires use of the CSMv2.

The 7705 SAR-F, 7705 SAR-M (all variants), 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-A (all variants), 7705 SAR-W, and 7705 SAR-Wx (all variants), have a fixed physical configuration and each router uses only one control and switching functional block, which is referred to on the CLI as CSM A. The CSM and IOM do not need to be provisioned in order to provision the interface at the adapter card level.

The slot ID (1) is used as part of the adapter card and port identifier on the CLI.

Configuring Adapter Cards and Modules

Unless otherwise specified, references to adapter cards with multiple versions include all versions of the cards.

A chassis slot and card type must be specified and provisioned before an adapter card can be provisioned. A chassis slot is a physical slot designated with an MDA ID. On the 7705 SAR-8, the MDA ID is from 1 to 6. On the 7705 SAR-18, the MDA ID is from 1 to 12 for the MDA slots and from X1 to X4 for the XMDA slots. An adapter card is provisioned when a card designated from the allowed adapter card types is inserted. A preprovisioned adapter card slot can remain empty without conflicting with populated slots.

A maximum of six adapter cards can be installed in the 7705 SAR-8 chassis. The following adapter cards are supported:

2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card (maximum of 2 in a 7705 SAR-8 with CSMv1; maximum of 4 in a 7705 SAR-8 with CSMv2)

2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card (maximum of 6, depending on channelization and CSM variant installed – see note below)

4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card (maximum of 4 in a 7705 SAR-8 with CSMv2; installation in a 7705 SAR-8 with CSMv1 is not supported)

4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card (maximum of 6)

4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card (maximum of 6, depending on channelization and CSM variant installed – see note below)

6-port E&M Adapter card (maximum of 6)
6-port FXS Adapter card (maximum of 6)
8-port Ethernet Adapter card (maximum of 6)
8-port FXO Adapter card (maximum of 6)
8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card (maximum of 6)
8-port Voice & Teleprotection card (maximum of 6)
12-port Serial Data Interface card (maximum of 6)
16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card (maximum of 6)
32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card (maximum of 6)
Auxiliary Alarm card (maximum of 6)
CWDM OADM Adapter card (maximum of 6)
Integrated Services card (maximum of 6)
Packet Microwave Adapter card (maximum of 6)
Power Injector card (maximum of 4)

A maximum of 12 MDA adapter cards and 4 XMDA adapter cards can be installed in the 7705 SAR-18 chassis. The following adapter cards are supported:

2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card (maximum of 6)

2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card (maximum of 12, depending on channelization – see note below)

4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card (maximum of 6, depending on channelization – see note below)

4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card (maximum of 12)
4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card (maximum of 12, depending on channelization – see note below)
6-port E&M Adapter card (maximum of 12)
6-port FXS Adapter card (maximum of 12)
8-port Ethernet Adapter card, version 2 (maximum of 12)
8-port FXO Adapter card (maximum of 12)
8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card (maximum of 12)
8-port Voice & Teleprotection card (maximum of 12)
10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card (maximum of 4)
12-port Serial Data Interface card (maximum of 12)
16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, version 2 (maximum of 12)
32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card (maximum of 12)
Auxiliary Alarm card (maximum of 12)
CWDM OADM Adapter card (maximum of 12)
Integrated Services card (maximum of 12)
Packet Microwave Adapter card (maximum of 12)
Power Injector card (maximum of 8)
On a 7705 SAR-8 chassis with a CSMv1:

a maximum of four 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 6 if DS3 channelization is being used. If DS1/E1 or DS0 (64 kb/s) channelization is being used, a maximum of two 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 6.

a maximum of six 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 6 if DS3/E3 or DS1/E1 channelization is being used. If DS0 (64 kb/s) channelization is being used, a maximum of two 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 6.

On a 7705 SAR-8 chassis with a CSMv2:

a maximum of six 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 6 if DS3 channelization is being used. If DS1/E1 or DS0 (64 kb/s) channelization is being used, a maximum of four 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 6.

a maximum of six 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 6 if DS3/E3 or DS1/E1 channelization is being used. If DS0 (64 kb/s) channelization is being used, a maximum of four 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 6.

a maximum of four 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 6 if DS1/E1 channelization is being used. DS0 and DS3/E3 channelization is not supported on the 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card.

On a 7705 SAR-18 chassis:

a maximum of twelve 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 12 if DS3 channelization is being used. If DS1/E1 or DS0 (64 kb/s) channelization is being used, a maximum of four 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 12.

a maximum of twelve 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 12 if DS3/E3 or DS1/E1 channelization is being used. If DS0 (64 kb/s) channelization is being used, a maximum of four 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 12.

a maximum of six 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter cards can be installed in MDA slots 1 to 12 if DS1/E1 channelization is being used. DS0 and DS3/E3 channelization is not supported on the 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card.

The total number of channel groups that can be configured per card and per node is bound by release-specific system limits. For more information, please contact your Alcatel-Lucent technical support representative.

The adapter cards can be installed in the chassis in any combination that does not exceed the maximum number. However, network applications require at least one network-capable adapter card to be installed as part of the mix.

Because the 6-port E&M Adapter card, 12-port Serial Data Interface card, 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card, 8-port FXO Adapter card, and 6-port FXS Adapter card support access mode only, and the Integrated Services card is a resource card that supports an access functionality only, for network applications, the maximum number of each of these adapter cards that can be installed in a 7705 SAR-8 chassis is 5, and the maximum number that can be installed in a 7705 SAR-18 chassis is 11.

Once installed and enabled, the system verifies that the installed adapter card type matches the configured parameters. If the parameters do not match, the adapter card remains offline.

On the CLI, the adapter cards are referred to as MDAs. The adapter card is identified using the format slot/mda , where slot identifies the IOM card slot ID (always 1) and mda identifies the physical slot in the chassis for the adapter card; for example, 1/5.

The 7705 SAR-F has a fixed physical configuration that includes T1/E1 and Ethernet ports. On the CLI, the slot/mda identifier for T1/E1 ports is 1/1 and for Ethernet ports is 1/2. There is no provisioning required at the adapter card level in order to provision the T1/E1 and Ethernet ports on this chassis.

The 7705 SAR-M has a fixed physical configuration that includes T1/E1 ports for those variants of the chassis that have T1/E1 ports. All variants of the 7705 SAR-M have an Ethernet adapter card design that supports seven Gigabit Ethernet ports consisting of four 10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces with SFPs and three 10/100/1000 Base-T copper interfaces. On the CLI, the slot/mda identifier for T1/E1 ports is 1/2 and for Ethernet ports is 1/1. There is no provisioning required at the adapter card level in order to provision the ports on these chassis. For those variants of the chassis that have a module slot, the slot/mda identifier for the module on the CLI as 1/3. 7705 SAR-M variants with module slots support the following modules:

GPON module
DSL modules
CWDM OADM module
2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module

The 7705 SAR-H has a fixed physical configuration that integrates an Ethernet adapter card design. The chassis supports eight Gigabit Ethernet ports consisting of:

two 10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces that use SFP connectors
two 10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces that can use either SFP or RJ-45 connectors
four 10/100/1000 Base-T copper interfaces that are capable of power-over-Ethernet

On the CLI, the slot/mda identifier for Ethernet ports is 1/1. There is no provisioning required at the adapter card level in order to provision the ports on the chassis. The chassis has two slots for modules. On the CLI, the slot/mda identifier for a module installed in the first slot position is 1/2 and for a module installed in the second slot position is 1/3.

The 7705 SAR-H supports the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module and GPS Receiver module.

The 7705 SAR-Hc has a fixed physical configuration that includes six Gigabit Ethernet ports and two RS-232 ports. The Gigabit Ethernet ports consist of:

two 10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces that use SFP connectors
two 10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces that use RJ-45 connectors
two 10/100/1000 Base-Tx copper interfaces that are capable of power-over-Ethernet

On the CLI, the slot/mda identifier for Ethernet ports on the 7705 SAR-Hc is 1/1 and for RS-232 ports is 1/2.

The 7705 SAR-A has two variants with fixed physical configurations. One variant supports both Ethernet and T1/E1 ports. The other variant supports only Ethernet ports. Both variants of the 7705 SAR-A have 12 Ethernet ports consisting of 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports for RJ-45 or SFPs (10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces), 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports for SFPs only (10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces), and 4 Fast Ethernet ports. On the CLI, the slot/mda identifier for T1/E1 ports is 1/2 and for Ethernet ports is 1/1. There is no provisioning required at the adapter card level in order to provision the ports on these chassis.

The 7705 SAR-W has one variant with a fixed physical configuration. The variant supports five Gigabit Ethernet ports consisting of three Gigabit Ethernet ports (10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces) for SFPs and two RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet ports with optional PoE+ support. On the CLI, the slot/mda identifier for the Ethernet ports is 1/1. There is no provisioning required at the adapter card level in order to provision the ports on this chassis. The 7705 SAR-W supports up to two GPON interfaces via the three Ethernet SFP ports. The 7705 SAR-W also has an internal (virtual) port used for in-band Ethernet management connection. The virtual port is identified as vrtl-mgmt on the CLI and as 1/1/6 via SNMP.

The 7705 SAR-Wx has three variants with fixed physical configurations. The first variant supports five Gigabit Ethernet ports consisting of three Gigabit Ethernet ports (10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces) for SFPs and two RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet ports. The second variant supports five Gigabit Ethernet ports consisting of three Gigabit Ethernet ports (10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces) for SFPs, one RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port, and one RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port with PoE+. The third variant supports four Gigabit Ethernet ports consisting of three Gigabit Ethernet ports (10/100/1000 Base-Tx interfaces) for SFPs and one RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port, and one RJ-45 4-pair xDSL port. On the CLI, the slot/mda identifier for the Ethernet ports is 1/1 and 1/2 for the xDSL port. There is no provisioning required at the adapter card level in order to provision the ports on these chassis.

The following sample outputs display the administrative and operational states of adapter cards for all platforms.

For the 7705 SAR-8 with a CSMv1:

ALU-1>show card state
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 6
1/1 a12-sdi up provisioned 12
1/2 a4-oc3 up provisioned 4
1/3 a16-chds1 up provisioned 16
1/4 a4-chds3 up provisioned 4
1/5 a8-eth up provisioned 8
1/6 a2-choc3 up provisioned 2
A csm-1g csm-1g up up Active
B csm-1g up down Standby

For the 7705 SAR-8 with a CSMv2:

ALU-1>show card state
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 6
1/1 a12-sdi up provisioned 12
1/2 a4-oc3 up provisioned 4
1/3 a16-chds1 up provisioned 16
1/4 a4-chds3 up provisioned 4
1/5 a8-eth up provisioned 8
1/6 a2-choc3 up provisioned 2
A csmv2-10g csmv2-10g up up Active
B csmv2-10g up down Standby

For the 7705 SAR-18:

ALU-1>show card state
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 12
1/1 aux-alarm aux-alarm up up
1/2 a8-ethv2 a8-ethv2 up up 8
1/3 a8-ethv2 a8-ethv2 up up 8
1/4 a8-ethv2 up provisioned 8
1/5 a8-ethv2 up provisioned 8
1/6 a32-chds1v2 a32-chds1v2 up up 32
1/7 a32-chds1v2 a32-chds1v2 up up 32
1/8 a8-pmc a8-pmc up up 8
1/9 mw-pic-2 ——- up up 2
1/10 a4-oc3 up provisioned 4
1/11 a4-chds3 up provisioned 4
1/12 a2-choc3 up provisioned 2
1/X1 x-10GigE x-10GigE up provisioned 1
1/X2 x-10GigE x-10GigE up provisioned 1
1/X3 x-10GigE x-10GigE up provisioned 1
1/X4 x-10GigE x-10GigE up provisioned 1
A csm-10g csm-10g up up Active
B csm-10g up down Standby

For the 7705 SAR-F:

ALU-1# show card
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 2
1/1 i16-chds1 i16-chds1 up provisioned 16
1/2 i8-eth i8-eth up provisioned 8
A csm-1g csm-1g up up Active

For the 7705 SAR-M:

ALU-1# show card
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 3
1/1 i7-1gb i7-1gb up up 7
1/2 i16-chds1 i16-chds1 up up 16
1/3 p1-GPON p1-GPON up up
A csm-2.5g csm-2.5g up up Active

For the 7705 SAR-H:

ALU-1# show card
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 3
1/1 i8-1gb i8-1gb up up 8
1/2 a4-combo a4-combo up up 4
1/3 a4-combo a4-combo up up 4
A csm-2.5g csm-2.5g up up Active

For the 7705 SAR-Hc:

ALU-1# show card
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 2
1/1 i6-1gb i8-1gb up up 6
1/2 i2-sdi i2-sdi up up 2
A csm-2.5g csm-2.5g up up Active

For the 7705 SAR-A:

ALU-1# show card
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 2
1/1 i12-eth-xor i12-eth-xor up up 12
1/2 i8-chds1 i8-chds1 up up 8
A csm-2.5g csm-2.5g up up Active

For the 7705 SAR-W:

ALU-1# show card
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 1
1/1 i5-1gb i5-1gb up up 6
A csm-2.5g csm-2.5g up up Active

For a 7705 SAR-Wx Ethernet variant:

ALU-1# show card
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 1
1/1 i5-1gb-b i5-1gb-b up up 5
A csm-2.5g csm-2.5g up up Active

For a 7705 SAR-Wx Ethernet with xDSL variant:

ALU-1# show card
Card State
Slot/ Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Num Num Comments
Id Type Type State State Ports MDA
1 iom-sar iom-sar up up 2
1/1 i4-1gb-b i4-1gb-b up up 4
1/2 i4-xdsl i4-xdsl up up 1
A csm-2.5g csm-2.5g up up Active

Channelized Adapter Card Support

The following cards and modules support channelization down to the DS0 level:

16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card
32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card
12-port Serial Data Interface card
6-port E&M Adapter card
2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card
4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card
8-port Voice & Teleprotection card
8-port FXO Adapter card
6-port FXS Adapter card
4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module

On the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, and 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card (DS3 ports only), and on the T1/E1 ports of the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module, up to 24 channel groups are supported on a DS1 circuit and up to 32 channel groups on an E1 circuit.

The 12-port Serial Data Interface card supports a single channel group on a channelized V.35 circuit, RS-232 (also known as EIA/TIA-232) circuit, or X.21 circuit. The RS-232 ports on the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module also support a single channel group on a channelized RS-232 circuit.

The 6-port E&M Adapter card supports a single channel group on a channelized E&M voice interface.

The 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card supports a single channel group on a channelized G.703 (codirectional) circuit, an IEEE C37.94 teleprotection interface (TPIF) circuit, FXS circuit, or FXO circuit.

The 8-port FXO Adapter card supports a single channel group on an FXO circuit.

The 6-port FXS Adapter card supports a single channel group on an FXS circuit.

The 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card supports channelization at the DS1/E1 level only.

PPP Over Fractional T1/E1

The 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, and the T1/E1 ports on the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module each support fractional T1/E1 on a PPP channel group in network mode. Fractional T1/E1 allows one or more DS0 channels to be bundled together (up to the maximum bandwidth of the network link), allowing the customer to use only that portion of the link that is needed. This means that the PPP service can use a selected number of timeslots (octets) in the network T1 or E1 link, thus reducing the amount of T1 or E1 bandwidth that must be leased or purchased from the attached carrier. This leads to multiplexing efficiencies in the transport network.

Only one channel group can be configured per port. When the channel group is configured for ppp-auto encapsulation and network mode, all timeslots (channels) are automatically allocated to the channel group. The user can then configure the number of timeslots needed. Timeslots not selected cannot be used.

Configuring Ports

A port can be configured after the IOM is activated (the card slot and card type are designated) and the adapter card slot is preprovisioned with an allowed adapter card type.

The 7705 SAR supports the port types listed below:

In addition, this section contains information on the following topics:


Ethernet ports are supported on the following cards and modules:

8-port Ethernet Adapter Card

The 8-port Ethernet Adapter card (the 7705 SAR-18 only supports version 2) has six RJ-45 ports for 10/100BASE-T (Ethernet and Fast Ethernet) connections. The card also has two SFP ports for fiber or copper SFPs. Fast Ethernet and Gigabit (100 Mb/s and 1000 Mb/s) fiber connections and 10/100/1000BASE-T copper connections are supported. This variety of connections enables the 8-port Ethernet Adapter card to be connected to different devices at the customer site, including wireless base stations, DSL modems, microwave boxes, and other auxiliary equipment. As well, with fiber connections, the adapter card can be directly connected to the Metro Ethernet Provider (MEP) central office. Version 2 of the 8-port Ethernet Adapter card also supports synchronous Ethernet timing.

8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Card

The 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card has eight SFP ports for fiber or copper SFPs. The card supports dual rate (100 Mb/s and 1000 Mb/s) and Gigabit (1000 Mb/s) fiber connections and 10/100/1000Base-T copper connections. The card also supports synchronous Ethernet timing. The 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card is designed to complement or replace the 8-port Ethernet Adapter card in situations where greater processing power and higher throughput capacity are required.

There are three versions of the 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card. Version 1 and version 2 are identical except that version 2 provides larger table space for FIBs, ACLs, and so on. Version 2 also supports the full IPv6 subnet range for IPv6 static routes and interface IP addresses. The static route range is from /1 to /128, and the default route is ::/0. Supported interface IP address prefixes are from /4 to /127, and /128 on system or loopback interfaces. Version 3 is identical to version 2 except that it is equipped with a hardware-based encryption engine to support features such as IPSec.

Higher limits and full subnet ranges are supported only when all the adapter cards in a particular node are equipped with hardware for larger table support.

Gigabit Ethernet optical ports offer significant advantages over fast Ethernet ports, even where lower-speed services are currently offered. With Gigabit Ethernet, service providers have the opportunity to standardize access infrastructure, ensure that capacity is available to accommodate growing bandwidth requirements, and minimize the operational costs associated with future service upgrades to hardware and software.

10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card

There are two versions of the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card. Both versions are identical except that version 2 is equipped with a hardware-based encryption engine to support features such as IPSec.

When the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card (supported only on the 7705 SAR-18) is configured in 10-port GigE mode, 10 SFP ports are available for fiber SFPs. In this mode, the card supports dual-rate (100 Mb/s and 1000 Mb/s) and Gigabit (1000 Mb/s) fiber connections. The card also supports synchronous Ethernet timing.

When the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card is configured in 1-port GigE mode, only one SFP+ (port 1) of the 10 ports is active and available for use with fiber SFP+ modules. The card supports 10-Gb/s fiber connections. The card also supports synchronous Ethernet timing. The 1-port GigE mode is designed for use in situations where greater processing power and higher throughput capacity are required.

The 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card also provides larger table space for FIBs, ACLs, and so on. The card also supports the full IPv6 subnet range for IPv6 static routes and interface IP addresses. The static route range is from /1 to /128, and the default route is ::/0. Supported interface IP address prefixes are from /4 to /127, and /128 on system or loopback interfaces.

Higher limits and full subnet ranges are supported only when all the adapter cards in a particular node are equipped with hardware for larger table support.

2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter Card/Module

The 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card/module is used to connect to and from access rings carrying a high concentration of traffic. Table 2 lists the maximum number of cards or modules that are supported on each platform. A single card can be installed in the 7705 SAR-8 and the 7705 SAR-18; however, it is strongly recommended that a minimum of two cards be installed for redundancy.

Table 2: Maximum Number of Cards/Modules Supported in Each Chassis

Maximum Number of Cards or Modules

7705 SAR-8 with CSMv1

Up to two cards

7705 SAR-8 with CSMv2

Up to four cards

Up to six cards

The 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card/module has two small form-factor pluggable (XFP) ports on its faceplate. The two XFP ports are for 10-Gigabit Ethernet XFPs. The card provides high processing power and throughput capacity and operates at 10 Gb/s for Ethernet ports and 2.5 Gb/s for the virtual port (v-port).

The 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card provides larger table space for FIBs, ACLs, and so on. The card also supports the full IPv6 subnet range for IPv6 static routes and interface IP addresses on the v-port. The supported range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /128. Supported interface IP address prefixes are from /4 to /127, and /128 on system or loopback interfaces.

The 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module supports IPv6 on the v-port. The supported range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /64 or is /128 (indicating a host route). Supported interface IP address prefixes are from /4 to /64, and /128 on system or loopback interfaces.

Packet Microwave Adapter Card

The Packet Microwave Adapter card has two RJ-45 ports (ports 1 and 2) and six SFP ports (ports 3 through 8). All ports provide 10/100/1000 Mb/s connections (when connected to an MPR-e radio, they are always in Gigabit Ethernet (1-Gb/s) mode). Ports 1 through 4 support Microwave Awareness (MWA) and Ethernet/IP/MPLS networking; ports 5 through 8 support Ethernet/IP/MPLS networking only. All Gigabit Ethernet ports provide the same networking feature capability as the 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card. For frequency synchronization, synchronous Ethernet and SSM are the mechanisms that are applied when using optical 1000Base-SX to connect to an MPR-e radio. When using electrical 1000Base-T to connect the Packet Microwave Adapter card and an MPR-e radio, Proprietary Clock Recovery (PCR) is used (a copper SFP is mandatory on ports 3 and 4).


TDM ports are supported on the following cards and modules:

16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter Card

There are two versions of the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card. The 7705 SAR-18 only supports version 2.

Channelization is supported down to the DS0 level. To change port types, all ports must first be shut down. The ports can be configured for DS1 (T1) or E1 operation. All ports on the card must be either T1 or E1; there cannot be a mix of the two types. When the first port is configured on a card, all other ports on the card must be set to the same type.

The 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card supports fractional T1/E1 on network ports configured for PPP. Fractional T1/E1 allows a portion of the link to be used for traffic (up to the full link bandwidth).

32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter Card

On the 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, channelization is supported down to the DS0 level. To change port types, all ports must first be shut down. The ports can be configured for DS1 (T1) or E1 operation. All ports on the card must be either T1 or E1; there cannot be a mix of the two types. When the first port is configured on a card, all other ports on the card must be set to the same type.

The 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card supports fractional T1/E1 on network ports configured for PPP. Fractional T1/E1 allows a portion of the link to be used for traffic (up to the full link bandwidth).

2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter Card

On the 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, channelization is supported down to the DS0 level. To change port types, all ports must first be shut down. The ports can be configured for DS1 (T1) or E1 channelization. All ports on the card must be either SONET or SDH; there cannot be a mix of the two types. When the first port is configured on a card, all other ports on the card must be set to the same type.

The 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card also supports DS3 channelization.

4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter Card

On the 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, channelization is supported down to the DS1 level. To change port types, all ports must first be shut down. The ports can be configured for DS1 (T1) or E1 channelization in access mode, or MLPPP in network mode. All ports on the card must be either SONET or SDH; there cannot be a mix of the two types. When the first port is configured on a card, all other ports on the card must be set to the same type. Switching between port types causes the adapter card to reset.

4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination Module

T1/E1 ports on the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module support channelization down to the DS0 level. To change port types, all ports must first be shut down. The ports can be configured for DS1 (T1) or E1 operation. All ports on the module must be either T1 or E1; there cannot be a mix of the two types. When the first port is configured on a module, all other ports on the card must be set to the same type.

4-port DS3/E3 Adapter Card

The 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card has four TDM DS3/E3 ports. The port type must be configured to be either DS3 or E3. Each DS3 port can be clear channel or channelized down to DS0 (64 kb/s). E3 ports can be clear channel only. Once the first port type has been configured, all other ports on the same 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card must be set to the same type.

To change between types, the ports must first be deleted. DS3 ports provide B3ZS (bipolar with three-zero substitution) zero code suppression and E3 ports provide HDB3 (high density bipolar of order 3) zero code suppression. B3ZS and HDB3 zero code suppression are line coding techniques used to maintain proper clock rate synchronization.

Channelization is supported down to the DS0 level (for DS3 ports only). To change port types, all ports must first be shut down. The ports can be configured for DS1 (T1) or E1 operation. All ports on the card must be either T1 or E1; there cannot be a mix of the two types. When the first port is configured on a card, all other ports on the card must be set to the same type.

8-port Voice & Teleprotection Card

Channelization is supported on the two codirectional G.703 ports and two IEEE C37.94 teleprotection interface ports.

Serial (TDM)

The 12-port Serial Data Interface card has four connectors, which support three serial data ports each. Each port grouping may be configured for V.35, RS-232, or X.21 operation. When a port has been configured for a specific interface type, the other two ports in that same grouping can only be configured for the same type.

Channelization on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card is supported down to the DS0 level.

Multilink Bundles

The 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, and T1/E1 ports on the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module support multilink bundles. A multilink bundle is a collection of channels on channelized ports that physically reside on the same adapter card.

All member links of an MLPPP group must reside on the same T1/E1 ASAP card, or the same port on a 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, or 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module, and they must be of the same type (either E1 or DS1). Multilink bundles are used by providers who offer either bandwidth-on-demand services or fractional bandwidth (DS3) services. Multilink bundles are supported over PPP channels (MLPPP).


The 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, and the 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card support Inverse Multiplexing over ATM (IMA). IMA is a standard developed to address the increasing need for bandwidth greater than the DS1 or E1 link speeds (1.544 or 2.048 Mb/s, respectively) but less than higher link speeds such as DS3 (44.736 Mb/s). IMA combines the transport bandwidth of multiple DS1 or E1 channels in a logical link (called an IMA group) to provide scalable bandwidth.


The 4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card has four hot-pluggable SFP-based ports that can be independently configured to be SONET (OC3) or SDH (STM1). The 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card has two hot-pluggable SFP-based ports that can be configured to be SONET (OC3) or SDH (STM1). The 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card has four hot-pluggable SFP-based ports that can be configured to be SONET (OC3) or SDH (STM1).

All ports must be of the same type (either SONET or SDH).


Voice ports are supported on the following cards:

6-port E&M Adapter Card

The 6-port E&M Adapter card has six RJ-45 ports that support the transport of an analog voiceband signal between two analog devices over a digital network. The analog signals are converted into a 64 kb/s digital Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) format using either Mu-Law (North America) or A-Law (Rest of World) companding. The type of companding is selectable on a per-card basis. Companding conversion (that is, Mu-Law to A-Law or vice versa) is not supported.

The signaling type is selectable on a per-card basis depending on companding type. When A-Law companding is configured, the signaling type is automatically type V. When Mu-Law companding is configured, all signaling types can be selected; however, the only supported configurations are both ends of the connection operating in the same mode (for example, Type I to Type I) or one end operating in Type I mode and the other in Type V mode. The default signaling type for Mu-Law is Type I.

Each voice port can be configured to operate in either a two-wire or four-wire (default) mode. The ports (in groups of three – ports 1 to 3 and ports 4 to 6) can also be configured to operate in transmission-only mode, which provides a four-wire audio path with no signaling. A transmit and receive transmission level point (the analog-to-digital decibel level) can be configured for each port. See Table 3 for the signaling type, companding law and audio wires configuration options on the 6-port E&M Adapter card.

Table 3: Configuration Options for the 6-port E&M Adapter Card

Number of Wires

Type I, Type II, Type V

Two-wire or four-wire

Two-wire or four-wire

Transmission-only (no signaling)

8-port Voice & Teleprotection Card

The 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card supports the transport of an analog voiceband signal between two analog devices over a digital network

The card has two FXS RJ-45 ports and two FXO RJ-45 ports that support analog voiceband signals. The analog signals are converted into a 64 kb/s digital Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) format using either Mu-Law (North America) or A-Law (Rest of World) companding. The type of companding is selectable on a per-card basis. Companding conversion (that is, Mu-Law to A-Law or vice versa) is not supported.

The signaling type is selectable at the port level on a per-port basis depending on companding type.

1511profile1 (1511 Loop Start) – A-Law companding
3600ls (Loop Start) – Mu-Law companding
3600re (Remote Extension) – A-Law companding
3600plar (Private Line Automatic Ringdown) – A-Law and Mu-Law companding
1511plar – A-Law companding
1511profile1 (Loop Start) – A-Law companding
3600ls (Loop Start) – Mu-Law companding
3600re (Remote Extension) – A-Law companding

The default signaling type for FXO and FXS is 3600ls for Mu-Law companding and 3600re for A-Law companding.

8-port FXO Adapter Card

The 8-port FXO Adapter card supports the transport of an analog voiceband signal between two analog devices over a digital network

The card supports analog voiceband signals through four RJ-45 connectors that provide eight Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) ports, with two ports supported per connector. The analog signals are converted into a 64 kb/s digital Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) format using either Mu-Law (North America) or A-Law (Rest of World) companding. The type of companding is selectable on a per-card basis. Companding conversion (that is, Mu-Law to A-Law or vice versa) is not supported.

The signaling type is selectable at the port level on a per-port basis depending on companding type.

1511profile1 (1511 loop start) – A-Law companding
3600ls (loop start) – Mu-Law companding
3600re (remote extension) – A-Law companding

The default signaling type is 3600ls for Mu-Law companding and 3600re for A-Law companding.

6-port FXS Adapter Card

The 6-port FXS Adapter card provides the capability of transporting a large number of voice circuits from one 7705 SAR location and terminating them at another 7705 SAR location that is connected to a PBX.

The card can also be configured for a Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) application, which is typically used outside of a PBX network, in order to provide a site-to-site or remote site-to-control center hotline functionality.

The card has six Foreign Exchange Subscriber (FXS) ports. Each port provides a short-reach, on-premises analog interface to an analog telephone set. After an incoming analog signal from a set is terminated on one of the FXS interfaces, it is converted into a digital 64 kb/s Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) format using either Mu-Law companding (North America) or A-Law companding (Rest of World).

The signal is then mapped into the E1 Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) transport scheme for A-Law or the T1 Robbed Bit Signaling (RBS) transport scheme for Mu-Law and transmitted using a Cpipe over any 7705 SAR network interface that supports the Cpipe service. For standard TDM, the network interface can be a T1/E1 or OC3/STM1 channelized interface. For MPLS, an Ethernet, T1/E1, OC3/STM1 channelized MLPPP, or OC3/STM1 clear channel interface can be used.

For a PBX application, the signal is terminated on an FXO interface at a 7705 SAR hub location that is connected to a PBX. The FXO interface can be provided by either an 8-port FXO Adapter card or 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card that is installed in a 7705 SAR-8 or 7705 SAR-18 chassis at the 7705 SAR hub location.

For a PLAR application, the signal is terminated on an FXS interface on either another 6-port FXS Adapter card or an 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card that is installed in a 7705 SAR-8 or 7705 SAR-18 chassis that is located at a remote location, or terminated on a 3600 MainStreet or 1511 MAX. The connection is made over an E1 interface (3600 MainStreet or 1511 MAX) or a T1 interface (3600 MainStreet). Conversely, a hotline call can originate from a 3600 MainStreet or 1511 MAX and terminate on an FXS interface on a 6-port FXS Adapter card (or on an FXS interface on an 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card).

Table 4 shows the configuration options available on a 6-port FXS Adapter card. The companding law type is configured at the card level; the other options are configured at the voice port level.

Table 4: Configuration Options for the 6-port FXS Adapter Card

Mu-Law (the default)

Idle (the default)

Nominal (the default)

16 Hz (the default)

3600 Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) (if Mu-Law or A-Law is used)

1511 PLAR (if A-Law is used)

1511 Profile1 (if A-Law is used)

3600 Loop Start (LS) (if Mu-Law is used; this is the default)

3600 Remote Extension (RE) (if A-Law is used; this is the default)

Transmission level point (TLP)

Rx: –7 dB to 0 dB (1-dB increments; the default is –3 dB)

Tx: –4 dB to +3 dB (1-dB increments; the default is 0 dB)

Microwave Link

A microwave link can be configured as a virtual port object on a 7705 SAR-8 or 7705 SAR-18 in order to provide a basic microwave connection or the Microwave Awareness (MWA) capability to an MPR-e node

For more information, see Microwave Link.

Port Identifiers

On the CLI, a port is identified using the format slot/mda/port , where slot identifies the IOM card slot ID (always 1), mda identifies the physical slot in the chassis for the adapter card, and port identifies the physical port on the adapter card; for example, 1/5/1.

On the CLI for the 7705 SAR-F, T1/E1 ports are identified as 1/1/1 through 1/1/16 and Ethernet ports are identified as 1/2/1 through 1/2/8.

On the CLI for the 7705 SAR-M, T1/E1 ports are identified as 1/2/1 through 1/2/16 for those variants of the chassis with T1/E1 ports. Ethernet ports for all variants of the 7705 SAR-M are identified as 1/1/1 through 1/1/7. Those variants of the chassis that have module slots identify modules as 1/3/ port-num .

On the CLI for the 7705 SAR-H, Ethernet ports are identified as 1/1/1 through 1/1/8. Module ports on the 77705 SAR-H are identified as 1/2/ port-num for modules installed in the first slot position and 1/3/ port-num for modules installed in the second slot position.

On the CLI for the 7705 SAR-Hc, Ethernet ports are identified as 1/1/1 through 1/1/6 and RS-232 ports are identified as 1/2/1 through 1/2/2.

On the CLI for the 7705 SAR-A, T1/E1 ports are identified as 1/2/1 through 1/2/8 for the variant of the chassis with T1/E1 ports. Ethernet ports for all variants of the 7705 SAR-A are identified as 1/1/1 through 1/1/12.

On the CLI for the 7705 SAR-W, Ethernet ports are identified as 1/1/1 through 1/1/5. The 7705 SAR-W also has an internal (virtual) port used for in-band Ethernet management connection. The virtual port is identified as vrtl-mgmt on the CLI and as 1/1/6 via SNMP.

On the CLI for the 7705 SAR-Wx, Ethernet ports for the Ethernet-only variant and the Ethernet and PoE+ variant are identified as 1/1/1 through 1/1/5. For the variant supporting Ethernet ports and an xDSL port, the Ethernet ports are identified as 1/1/1 through 1/1/4 and the DSL port is identified as 1/2/1 through 1/2/4.

For the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, and 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card, the channel-group-id identifies the DS1 or E1 channel group; for example, 1/5/1.20. For the 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, the channel-group-id identifies the DS1, E1, or DS3 channel group. For the 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, the channel-group-id identifies the DS1 or E1 channel group. For the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, the channel-group-id identifies the V.35, RS-232, or X.21 channel group; only one channel group per port is supported on the card, so the format would be 1/1/1.1.

For the 6-port E&M Adapter card, the channel-group-id identifies the E&M voice channel group; only one channel group per port is supported on the card, so the format would be 1/1/1.1. For the 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card, the 8-port FXO Adapter card, and the 6-port FXS Adapter card, the channel-group-id identifies the DS0 channel group; only one channel group per port is supported on the card, so the format would be 1/1/1.1.

For the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module, the channel-group-id identifies the DS1 or E1 channel group for the T1/E1 ports (for example, 1/2/3.5) or the channel group for the RS-232 ports (for example, 1/2/2.1).

On the CLI for the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card or 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module, for virtual-port configuration, an Ethernet port is identified as v-port.

Access, Network, and Hybrid Ports

All ports must be set to access (customer-facing), network, or hybrid mode. When the mode is configured on a port, the appropriate encapsulation type must be configured to distinguish the services on the port or channel (for access mode), or to define the transport mode (for network mode).

For the16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, version 2, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, and 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card, the card must be enabled to support a set of software services before the encapsulation type is configured. This support is enabled using the mda-mode command (see the mda-mode command in the Card, Adapter Card, and Port Command Reference section):

access ports — configured for customer-facing traffic on which services are configured. If a Service Access Point (SAP) is to be configured on the port or channel, the port or channel must be configured as an access port or channel.

On the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, version 1, the encapsulation type can be ipcp, cem, or atm. The encapsulation type on the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, version 2, and the 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card can be ipcp, cem, atm, frame-relay, hdlc, or cisco-hdlc. RS-232 ports and X.21 ports operating at subrate speeds support only cem encapsulation.

On the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, the encapsulation type can be cem, ipcp, frame-relay, hdlc, or cisco-hdlc. V.35 ports and X.21 ports at super-rate speeds (64 kb/s and above) support all of the above encapsulation types. RS-232 ports and X.21 ports operating at subrate speeds support only cem encapsulation.

On the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module, the encapsulation type for T1/E1 ports can be ipcp or cem. RS-232 ports operating at subrate speeds support only cem encapsulation.

On the 6-port E&M Adapter card, 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card, 8-port FXO Adapter card, and 6-port FXS Adapter card, the encapsulation type must be cem.

On the 8-port Ethernet Adapter card, the 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card, the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card, the Packet Microwave Adapter card, and the xDSL ports on the 7705 SAR-Wx, the encapsulation type can be set as null, dot1q, or qinq.

Note: The 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card supports qinq only on version 1. The 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card supports qinq only on version 2 when it is in 10-port 1GigE mode. The Packet Microwave Adapter card supports qinq only when the card is not in mw-link mode.

On the 4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card, the encapsulation type must be atm.

On the 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card, the encapsulation type for DS3/E3 clear channel ports can be atm, cem, or frame-relay. The encapsulation type for DS3 channelized ports can be cem or frame-relay.

On the 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, the encapsulation type can be ipcp, cem, or atm.
On the 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, the encapsulation type must be cem.

network ports — configured for network-facing traffic. Network ports are used as uplinks for Ethernet, ATM, PPP, and TDM pseudowires.

On the Ethernet cards, the Packet Microwave Adapter card, the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card, and 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module, the encapsulation type can be set as null or dot1q.

On the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, and 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, the encapsulation type must be ppp-auto for PPP/MLPPP bundles.

On the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card and 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, the encapsulation type must be ppp-auto for fractional T1/E1.

On the 4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card, 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, and 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card, the encapsulation type must be ppp-auto.

hybrid ports — configured for access (customer-facing) and network-facing traffic. Hybrid ports can support access and network modes simultaneously over different VLANs. Within the span of a port, some of the VLANs can be in access mode and associated with SAPs for various services, while other VLANs can be in network mode and support any of the network-side operations, including label switching, IP forwarding (GRT IP routing), GRE SDPs, and so on.

The default modes are listed in Table 5. All channel groups on a port must either be all access or all network channel groups; there cannot be a mix. When the first channel group is configured, all other channel groups on that port must be set to the same mode. To change modes, all channel groups must first be shut down.

Table 5: Default Port Mode per Adapter Card or Module

Adapter Card or Module

2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card

2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module

10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card

DSL or GPON ports on the 7705 SAR-M

DSL ports on the 7705 SAR-Wx

16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card

32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card

8-port Ethernet Adapter card

8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card

Packet Microwave Adapter card

4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card

2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card

4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card

12-port Serial Data Interface card

8-port Voice & Teleprotection card

8-port FXO Adapter card

6-port E&M Adapter card

6-port FXS Adapter card

Access, but change to network for POS

4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card; the card must be set to network mode for Packet over SONET (POS)

Access or access only

4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module is access for the T1/E1 ports; the RS-232 ports operate in access mode only

Rate Limiting

The 7705 SAR supports egress-rate limiting and ingress-rate limiting on Ethernet ports.

The egress rate is set at the port level in the config>port>ethernet context.

Egress-rate limiting sets a limit on the amount of traffic that can leave the port to control the total bandwidth on the interface. If the egress-rate limit is reached, the port applies backpressure on the queues, which stops the flow of traffic until the queue buffers are emptied. This feature is useful in scenarios where there is a fixed amount of bandwidth; for example, a mobile operator who has leased a fixed amount of bandwidth from the service provider.

The ingress-rate command configures a policing action to rate-limit the ingress traffic. Ingress-rate enforcement uses dedicated hardware for rate limiting; however, software configuration is required at the port level (ingress-rate limiter) to ensure that the network processor or the adapter card or port never receives more traffic than they are optimized for.

The configured ingress rate ensures that the network processor does not receive traffic greater than this configured value on a per-port basis. Once the ingress-rate value is reached, all subsequent frames are dropped. The ingress-rate limiter drops excess traffic without determining whether the traffic has a higher or lower priority.

Access Ports

Access ports on the following can be configured for PPP/MLPPP channel groups:

2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card
16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card
32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card
4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module

Customer IP traffic can be transported directly over PPP or MLPPP links. The access ports can also be configured for TDM to transport 2G traffic from BTSs or ATM/IMA to transport 3G UMTS traffic from Node Bs.

In access mode, PPP channels on the 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, and 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module can be associated with n × DS0 channel groups. Although multiple PPP channel groups are supported per T1/E1 port, all the channel groups must be the same encapsulation type. For example, if one channel group on a given port is set for ipcp encapsulation, another channel group on the same port cannot be set to cem. If MLPPP channels are used, an MLPPP channel group fills up an entire DS1 or E1 link.

The 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card supports ipcp encapsulation of PPP/MLPPP packets for transport over an Ipipe.

The data ports on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card and the RS-232 ports on the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module provide transport between two data devices. Each data stream that is transported across the network can be mapped into a TDM pseudowire (Cpipe) for transport across an MPLS network. The other end can terminate either on another 7705 SAR or a multiplexer capable of terminating the pseudowire.

The 12-port Serial Data Interface card supports frame-relay encapsulation of data on V.35 and X.21 channel groups for transport over a frame relay pseudowire (Fpipe) or IP interworking pseudowire (Ipipe). The 12-port Serial Data Interface card also supports ipcp and cisco-hdlc encapsulation of PPP and Cisco HDLC packets, respectively, for transport over an Ipipe.

The 12-port Serial Data Interface card and the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module can also be part of a system architecture where a circuit originates on an SDI port on the 7705 SAR, transits over an MPLS network, and terminates on a 3600 MainStreet node connected to a 7705 SAR over a T1/E1 connection. In addition to the MPLS network functionality, the 12-port Serial Data Interface card and the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination modulec an also operate in a TDM SAP-to-SAP mode where the other SAP can be another port on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card or on a T1/E1 ASAP card.

Access ports on the 8-port Ethernet Adapter card, 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card, 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card, the Packet Microwave Adapter card, and the xDSL ports on the 7705 SAR-Wx, can transport traffic from sources such as e911 locators, site surveillance equipment, VoIP phones, and video cameras. The Ethernet traffic is transported over the PSN using Ethernet VLLs.

For information on VLLs, refer to the 7705 SAR OS Services Guide, “VLL Services”.

A microwave link from a Packet Microwave Adapter card port in access mode can peer with user equipment such as a node B or MPR-e radio. The 7705 SAR-8 and the 7705 SAR-18 treat the microwave access link as a normal SAP into a service such as Epipe, Ipipe, or VPLS/VPRN.

Voice ports on the 6-port E&M Adapter card, 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card, and 8-port FXO Adapter card provide voiceband transmission between two analog devices over a digital network. A 7705 SAR-8 or 7705 SAR-18 terminates the voice circuit and then transmits the data over a TDM-based network interface (SAP-to-SAP) or an MPLS packet-based network interface (SAP-to-SDP). For standard TDM, a T1 or E1 interface is used to transmit the data across the network.

For MPLS, any network interface (that is, Ethernet, T1/E1 MLPPP, or OC3/STM1) can be used. The traffic originating from the 6-port E&M Adapter card, 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card, or 8-port FXO Adapter card can be mapped into a TDM pseudowire (Cpipe) for transport across the MPLS network. The 6-port E&M Adapter card, 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card, and 8-port FXO Adapter card support one TDM pseudowire per port.

The voice circuit can terminate on another 7705 SAR-8 or 7705 SAR-18 over the MPLS or T1/E1 TDM connection, on other TDM-capable equipment (such as a 3600 MainStreet node) over a T1/E1 TDM connection, or on other MPLS-capable equipment over an MPLS pseudowire emulation (PWE) connection. A 3600 MainStreet or 1511 MAX can also connect to an FXO port on the 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card.

Voice ports on a 6-port FXS Adapter card can be configured for a PBX application or a PLAR (hotline) application. For a PBX application, the voice circuits are terminated on an FXO interface at a 7705 SAR hub location that is connected to a PBX. The FXO interface can be provided by either an 8-port FXO Adapter card or 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card that is installed in a 7705 SAR-8 or 7705 SAR-18 chassis at the 7705 SAR hub location. For a PLAR application, voice circuits are terminated on an FXS interface on either another 6-port FXS Adapter card or an 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card that is installed in a 7705 SAR-8 or 7705 SAR-18 chassis located at a remote location, or terminated on a 3600 MainStreet or 1511 MAX. A hotline call can also originate from a 3600 MainStreet or 1511 MAX and terminate on an FXS interface on a 6-port FXS Adapter card (or on an FXS interface on an 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card.

SONET/SDH ports in access mode on a 4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card can be configured for ATM (such as for 3G UMTS Node Bs).

The DS3/E3 clear channel access ports on the 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card can be configured for ATM PW services (categories CBR, VBR-rt, VBR-nrt, UBR, and UBR+MCR), for TDM PW services to transport 2G traffic from BTSs, and for frame relay PW service.

Access ports on the 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card can be configured for TDM to transport 2G traffic from BTSs or ATM/IMA to transport 3G UMTS traffic from Node Bs. Access ports on the 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card can only be configured for TDM.

All member links of the IMA group must reside on the same card. The 2G traffic is transported across the PSN encapsulated in a TDM VLL. The 3G traffic is transported using ATM VLLs.

For PPP/MLPPP channel groups, the encapsulation type must be ipcp. For Ethernet VLLs, the encapsulation type can be null, dot1q, or qinq. For TDM VLLs, the encapsulation type must be cem. For ATM VLLs, the encapsulation type must be atm.

H-QoS for Access Egress Ethernet Ports

To support hierarchical QoS (H-QoS), the 7705 SAR supports the configuration of one aggregate CIR rate for all the unshaped 4-priority access egress Ethernet SAPs on a port, thereby ensuring that all the unshaped SAPs can compete with the shaped SAPs on the port for fabric bandwidth. Use the config>port>ethernet>access>egress> unshaped-sap-cir command to set the aggregate CIR rate.

For more information on H-QoS, and shaped and unshaped Ethernet SAPs, refer to the “Per-SAP Aggregate Shapers (H-QoS)” section in the 7705 SAR OS Quality of Service Guide.

Network Ports

For network uplinks on the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, and 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module, standalone PPP ports can be used or MLPPP can be configured on a number of T1/E1 ports or channels. For MLPPP groups, all member links of an MLPPP group must reside on the same T1/E1 ASAP card or the same port on a 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, 4-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, or 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module, and they must be of the same type (either E1 or DS1). The encapsulation type for MLPPP must be ppp-auto.

Ethernet ports on the 8-port Ethernet Adapter card, 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card, 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card, and Packet Microwave Adapter card can be configured for network mode. Ethernet uplinks can be used as a cost-effective alternative to T1/E1 links.

On the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card and 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module, the Ethernet ports and the v-port can be configured for network mode only.

A microwave link from a Packet Microwave Adapter card port in network mode provides a network uplink to an MPR-e radio. The 7705 SAR-8 or 7705 SAR-18 treats the microwave link as a Gigabit Ethernet network link with MPLS always running over it. All standard MPLS/IP functions available on a network port or SDP are also available on the microwave link.

For network uplinks on the 4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card, a clear channel port can be configured for POS to connect to the packet network. PPP can be enabled on a port by setting the encapsulation type to ppp-auto.

On the 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card, a DS3/E3 clear channel port can be configured for PPP as the network uplink. The encapsulation type must be set to ppp-auto.

The 7705 SAR supports both copper and fiber uplinks.

Aggregate CIR for Unshaped VLANs on Network Egress Ethernet Ports

The 7705 SAR supports the configuration of one aggregate CIR rate for all the unshaped network egress Ethernet VLANs on a port, thereby ensuring that all the unshaped VLANs can compete with the shaped VLANs (that is, network interfaces) at the port level for egress bandwidth. Use the config>port>ethernet>network>egress>unshaped-if-cir command to set the aggregate CIR rate.

For more information on shaped and unshaped Ethernet VLANs, refer to the “Per-VLAN Network Egress Shapers” section in the 7705 SAR OS Quality of Service Guide.

Hybrid Ports

Hybrid ports are supported on Ethernet ports, where they provide the capabilities and features of access and network mode ports on a per-VLAN basis. The following services support hybrid port functionality: Epipe PW, Ipipe PW, IP-VPN, VPLS, and IES.

For ingress traffic, QoS and traffic management of a hybrid port behaves in the same way for access and network port mode. For egress traffic, per-SAP and per-VLAN aggregate shapers feed additional access egress and network egress aggregate shapers (dual-rate). Refer to the 7705 SAR OS Quality of Service Guide, “QoS for Hybrid Ports”.

Network VLANs on a hybrid port provide OAM down MEP support, as well as port loopback support (in line mode with latched timers only).

The following hardware supports hybrid ports:

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7705 SAR OS Guides

  • 7705 SAR OS Basic System Configuration Guide
    This guide describes basic system configurations and operations.
  • 7705 SAR OS System Management Guide
    This guide describes system security and access configurations as well as event logging and accounting logs.
  • 7705 SAR OS Interface Configuration Guide
    This guide describes card and port provisioning.
  • 7705 SAR OS Router Configuration Guide
    This guide describes logical IP routing interfaces, filtering, and routing policies.
  • 7705 SAR OS MPLS Guide
    This guide describes how to configure Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Resource Reservation Protocol for Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE), and Label Distribution Protocol (LDP).
  • 7705 SAR OS Services Guide
    This guide describes how to configure service parameters such as service access points (SAPs), service destination points (SDPs), customer information, and user services.
  • 7705 SAR OS Quality of Service Guide
    This guide describes how to configure Quality of Service (QoS) policy management.
  • 7705 SAR OS Routing Protocols Guide
    This guide provides an overview of dynamic routing concepts and describes how to configure them.
  • 7705 SAR OAM and Diagnostics Guide
    This guide provides information on Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) tools.

7705 SAR Hardware Guides

The following 7705 SAR hardware guides provide site preparation recommendations and step-by-step procedures to install the 7705 SAR chassis and components, as well as procedures for installing specific adapter cards and modules.

  • 7705 SAR 10-port 1GigE / 1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR 4-port SAR-H Fast Ethernet Module Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR 4-port T1/E1 & RS-232 Combination Module Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR 6-port E&M Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR 6-port FXS Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR 6-port SAR-M Ethernet Module Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR 8-port FXO Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR 8-port Voice & Teleprotection Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR Auxiliary Alarm Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR CWDM OADM Adapter Card/Module Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR DS3/E3 Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR DSL Module Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR GNSS Receiver Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR GPON Module Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR GPS Receiver Module Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR Integrated Services Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR Packet Microwave Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR Power Injector Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR Serial Data Interface Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR SONET/SDH Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR T1/E1 ASAP Adapter Card Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-18 Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-8 Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-A Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-Ax Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-H Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-Hc Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-M Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-O Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-W Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-Wx Chassis Installation Guide
  • 7705 SAR-X Chassis Installation Guide

Registered customers may view this documentation by visiting the Customer Documentation Welcome Page. To register for access to restricted customer documentation, please contact your Nokia sales representative.

7705 SAR Configuration Notes

Release 6.1 configuration notes
Release 6.0 configuration notes
  • 2-Port 10GigE Ring Card Configuration Notes
  • Access DS1 MW-LINK Configuration Notes
  • Access E1 MW-LINK Configuration Notes
  • DHCP on Interface Configuration Notes
  • Network HSSB MW-LINK Configuration Notes
  • Multi Chassis LAG (MC-LAG) with PW Redundancy Configuration Notes
  • Routed VPLS (R-VPLS) Configuration Notes
  • Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Configuration Note
Release 5.0 configuration notes
  • 8-port Voice & Teleprotection Card — FXS Interface
  • 8-port Voice & Teleprotection Card — ITU-T G.703
  • DS3/E3: Channelization & Cpipe
  • Fpipe Configuration Notes
  • IEEE 1588v2-4: Enabling One Pulse-Per-Second
  • Ipipe Configuration Notes
  • MW-LINK Configuration Notes
  • N-to-1 Apipe configuration with N > 1 & ATM Virtual Trunking

7705 SAR Quick Reference Cards

  • 7705 SAR Card and Module Support Quick Reference Card
    The 7705 SAR Card and Module Support Quick Reference Card provides an overview of the 7705 SAR hardware platforms and the cards and modules supported on these platforms.
  • 7705 SAR Installation, Provisioning, and Commissioning Checklist
    The 7705 SAR Installation, Provisioning, and Commissioning Checklist lists the high-level tasks required to set up a 7705 SAR.
  • 7705 SAR Command Line Interface Quick Reference Card
    The 7705 SAR CLI Quick Reference Card provides basic information on using the CLI to configure and manage the 7705 SAR, including session access, command structure, command syntax, and interactive help.
  • 7705 SAR Quick Reference for Services, Encapsulations, and Synchronization per Adapter Card, Platform, and Module.
    The 7705 SAR Quick Reference for Services, Encapsulations, and Synchronization lists services, encapsulations, network synchronization, and Layer 3 protocols supported on the 7705 SAR cards, platforms and modules.

Search Tips

Search terms

You can search for:

  • single words
  • multiple words—search function returns documents that contain both items (Boolean AND)
  • hyphenated words
  • phrases

To search for a phrase or a hyphenated word, enter the words surrounded by double quotation marks. For example, when you enter «synchronous Ethernet » or «fabric-profile», any text that contains the exact words «synchronous Ethernet» or «fabric-profile» without any intervening words is displayed.

You can search for similar terms by using the ? and * wildcard characters. Use the ? character to denote a single-character wildcard. For example, when you enter 7?50, any documents that that contain «7750», «7450», or «7×50» are displayed. Use the * character to denote a string wildcard. For example, when you enter channel*, any documents that contain «channel», «channels», or «channelized» are displayed.

(Note: If you use the ? or * wildcard character within quotation marks, the characters in the term or phrase are treated as literal characters, instead of wildcard characters.)

Boolean operators

You can include two or more search terms in a search query by combining them with a Boolean operator. Boolean operators must be uppercase.

(Note: When a Boolean operator is not included in a search query, the search automatically combines terms with the AND operator.)

When you combine terms with the OR Boolean operator, the search returns documents that contain at least one of the terms.

When you combine terms with the AND Boolean operator, the search returns documents that contain both of the terms.

When you combine terms with the NOT Boolean operator, the search returns documents that contain terms before the NOT operator, but do not contain terms after the NOT operator. For example, when you enter «clock» NOT adaptive differential, the search returns any documents that contain «clock», but do not contain «adaptive» or «differential».

Fuzzy searches

Fuzzy searches are enabled by default and can be used to find approximate term matches for a search query. Fuzzy searches:

  • ignore case
  • ignore inflections (letters added to beginning or ending of a base word to express a grammatical meaning (for example, when you enter «synchronous», the search may return «synchronization» and «asynchronous»; when you enter «present», the search may return «presents», «presented» and «representation»)
  • ignore the following stop words: a, and, are, as, at, be, but, by, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on, or, s, such, t, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, to, was, will, with
  • search within words (for example, when you enter «two» the search may return «network»)

You can use quotation marks to eliminate some of the fuzzy search defaults. For example, when you enter «configuration», the search does not return topics that contain «configures» or other inflections of the word. You can include spaces in the quotation marks to avoid searching within words. For example, when you enter «IES», documents that contain «policies» are not returned. Case will still be ignored.


You can limit your search to specific documents or sections of a document. You can use the Search Topics feature, or you can define and save a scope.

You can search within one document or section of a document by using the Search Topics feature. Select an item from the Contents panel and click on the Search Topics button () . Choose «Search selected topic» or «Search selected topic and all subtopics» and enter your search query in the window that opens.

To define and save a scope, click on the Scope link next to the Search field. From the Select Scope window, you can choose a pre-defined scope, or click on the New button to define a scope. When you define a scope, you can choose multiple documents and/or sections.

Click on the tabs to view each section.

Nokia 7705-SAR-HMC help

I picked up one of these Nokia routers really cheap on eBay. I thought it would be a good way to get my feet wet with SR-OS. These are FCC Part 96 (CBSD EUD) compliant and we run our own private LTE core, so kind of a cool added bonus. Anyways, when I boot it up, all I get on the console port is

U-Boot SPL 2018.09-TiMOS-H-19.10.R2 (v12) Git: [ Tag/Hash: TiMOS_19_10_R2-0-gef19b3ba0 ] (Dec 17 2019 — 03:30:33 +0000) Trying to boot from NAND U-Boot 2018.09-TiMOS-H-19.10.R2 (v12) Git: [ Tag/Hash: TiMOS_19_10_R2-0-gef19b3ba0 ] (Dec 17 2019 — 03:30:33 +0000) CPU: Freescale LayerScape LS1020, Version: 2.0, (0x87001020) Clock Configuration: CPU0(ARMV7):600 MHz, Bus:300 MHz, DDR:800 MHz (1600 MT/s data rate), Reset Configuration Word (RCW): 00000000: 0610000c 00000000 00000000 10000000 00000010: ff000000 08cc7922 e0185a00 81046000 00000020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 08040f00 00000030: 00000105 0004b100 00000000 00000000 Model: Nokia SAR-Hmc Board Board: SAR-Hmc, boot from NAND Watchdog enabled I2C: ready DRAM: 2 GiB NAND: 512 MiB Loading Environment from NAND. OK In: No input devices available! Out: No output devices available! Err: No error devices available!

The listing claims that this was a new device but I know absolutely nothing about Nokia hardware. Can anyone help me get a command prompt on this thing?

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