Изменение цвета, размера и стиля шрифта
Вы можете настроить внешний вид текста в редакторе, а также в других местах среды SQL Server Management Studio.
Как изменить цвет, размер и стиль шрифта в редакторе
- В меню Сервис выберите пункт Параметры . Щелкните Среда, а затем выберите Шрифты и цвета.
- В списке Показать настройки для выберите Текстовый редактор.
- Здесь можно изменить начертание шрифта, размер, отображаемый элемент, цвет текста и фона.
Чтобы вернуться к стандартным настройкам, щелкните Использовать значения по умолчанию .
В среде SQL Server Management Studio поддерживается только один параметр шрифта, применяемый ко всем редакторам. Можно изменить цвет определенного типа текста (например, комментариев или инструкций). Шрифты с фиксированной шириной в списке шрифтов отображаются полужирными, а настройки использования полужирного шрифта можно применять к определенным типам текста. Например, можно установить формат отображения комментариев и операторов полужирным, а другие типы текста оставить без изменений.
Настройки цвета и типа шрифта применяются глобально для всех типов элементов текста: комментариев, строк и т. д.
Дополнительные возможности PL/SQL Developer
В дополнение к уже рассмотренным свойствам, PL/SQL Developer поддерживает следующие возможности:
• Браузер объектов. Позволяет просматривать все доступные объекты базы данных в зависимости от определенных пользователем фильтров. В браузере можно редактировать, удалять и компилировать заданный объект.
How to Change the UI Font Size for Oracle SQL Developer
And here’s a look at what it looks like when I bump the font size up to 14 on a normal display in Windows:
And here’s how it looks on a 4k Mac Screen with it set to 21
And here’s where to set that property
In Windows, you want to to go to the Application Data, Roaming Users directory that stores the settings files for SQL Developer. On my machine that’s here:
C:\Users\jdsmith\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\system4.\o.sqldeveloper.
Note: my version string at the end might be a different than yours depending on your version of SQL Developer.
You want to open ide.properties. You’ll notice it is VERY well documented. There’s a section that speaks to Windows in particular. To change the default size for all look and feels, add this line, the uncommented one:
# To modify the font size for a particular locale under all # look-and-feels, set the Ide.FontSize. property. For # example: Ide.FontSize.en=14
If you think 14 looks huge, one of my co-workers has his set to 21!
This doesn’t control the font size for text in the editors and the data grids
We have a preference in the UI for that.
How to increase size of GUI/font/everything of Oracle SQL Developer 18.1
I downloaded Windows 64-bit with JDK 8 included of SQL Developer 18.1. To run Oracle SQL Developed I just unzipped the file and run the sqldeveloper.exe contained in the folder. Unfortunately, as you can see in the image the size of everything is extremely small and very difficult to see. This issue appears exclusively with this software. How can I resolve it?
60.3k 10 10 gold badges 31 31 silver badges 55 55 bronze badges
asked May 2, 2018 at 15:56
3,164 2 2 gold badges 23 23 silver badges 46 46 bronze badges
7 Answers 7
I also faced a similar issue when installed this on Windows 10. The issue has to do with compatibility settings.
I have fixed it following the steps given below:
- Get shortcut of sqldeveloper at your desktop
- Ensure that you have admin rights in your PC
- Right Click on sqldeveloper icon and select Properties.
- Go to the Compatibility tab:
- Compatibility mode change it to windows 7
- Check the option of Override high DPI scaling beaviour
- Select «System» in drop down below
- Apply
- Re-Launch the application
1,665 3 3 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges
answered May 28, 2018 at 14:54
Prakash Keysight Prakash Keysight
1,381 2 2 gold badges 6 6 silver badges 2 2 bronze badges
For me it worked by these steps. SQL Dev Shortcut -> Compatibility — > Change high DPI settings -> Override high DPI scaling behavior (Checked)-> Re-Launch Program. I did not find ‘Compatibility mode change it to windows 7.’
Oct 13, 2018 at 17:07
in Linux just change ~/.sqldeveloper/system18. Ide.FontSize
Dec 5, 2018 at 10:07
It worked for me, you can skip the create shortcut step, directly change the compatibility mode of the sqldeveloper.exe is also possible. Thank you.
Apr 4, 2019 at 8:06
I had to select «System (Enhanced)» on Windows 10, otherwise worked perfectly.
Aug 9, 2019 at 10:04
Thanks ! its worked for me also . Open Property by right clicking on launcher icon —>Compatibility — —> Change high DPI settings ->System apply and relaunch
Oct 18, 2019 at 5:14
I guess this is a subjective statement — but that doesn’t appear SMALL to me.
However, if you’re using an OS accessibility feature to increase the size of text in your applications, the new ‘Welcome Page’ can interfere with that.
Uncheck ‘show on startup’ in the Welcome page
Restart SQL Developer.
You should be good.
The Welcome page uses JavaFX to render some HTML and this is apparently getting in the way due to a Java bug. We’re looking to mitigate or fix this for a future release.
If that doesn’t work, you can also try to actually increase the UI font size.
I talk about how to do that here
This is what it looks like bumped up to font size 14
Find your ide.properties file.
Windows: It’s in your OS User’s AppData, Roaming, SQL Developer, systemX.Y.Z. o.sqldeveloper directory where X.Y.Z. represents your version of SQL Developer.
Linux/Mac: It’s in your $HOME/.sqldeveloper, systemX.Y.Z, o.sqldeveloper directory.
You’ll notice this file is VERY well documented. There’s a section that speaks to Windows in particular. To change the default size for all look and feels, add this line, the uncommented one:
# To modify the font size for a particular locale under all # look-and-feels, set the Ide.FontSize. property. For # example: Ide.FontSize.en=14
2018 Update
On my 4k Mac Mini (2018 build if that matters):
- Oracle 8 JDK
- SQL Developer 18.3
- Mac OS X look and feel
- Ide.FontSize=21
This is how SQL Developer looks: